Upon booking, we will issue an invoice for your attention. We require payment of the invoice in full within 7 days in order to confirm your booking.
Upon receipt of payment, we will confirm an agreed time for your consultation, and we will send you a questionnaire which should be completed at least 7 days before your consultation date. This is to give our consultant sufficient time to prepare for your meeting.
After your consultation has taken place, if you paid for a report, you will receive it from your consultant within 28 days.
Any further contact made with the consultant via email or online will be free of charge for a period of up to 90 days. After 9o days any contact with your consultant may require further payment.
The duration of an online consultation will be any time up to 120 minutes. Any time over and above this is at the discretion of the consultant.
The duration of a face to face consultation will be any time up to 120 minutes. Any time over and above this is at the discretion of the consultant.
The duration of an online interview preparation session will be any time up to one hour and is charged per child. Any time over and above this is at the discretion of the consultant.
The duration of a face to face interview preparation session will be any time up to 90 mins and will be charged as price upon application. Any time over and above this is at the discretion of the consultant.
The duration of a repeat online consultation will be any time up to 90 mins. Any time over and above this is at the discretion of the consultant.
Any prices quoted on our website or elsewhere may be subject to change without notice.
This agreement is non-transferable to any other party.
Our consultants provide an advisory service only. They cannot guarantee places at any school nor can they be found in any way responsible for any outcome resulting from attendance at any of the schools they recommend. They are unbiased and have no financial income or professional interest in any of the schools they reference.
The consultation must take place within one year of payment of the invoice.
Neither party is responsible for any failure to perform its obligations under this contract, if it is prevented or delayed in performing those obligations by an event of force majeure. A party is not liable for failure to perform the party's obligations if such failure is as a result of Acts of God (including fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane or other natural disaster), war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (regardless of whether war is declared), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation, terrorist activities, nationalisation, government sanction, blockage, embargo, labor dispute, strike, lockout or interruption or failure of electricity or telephone service. No party is entitled to terminate this Agreement in such circumstances.
If a party asserts Force Majeure as an excuse for failure to perform the party's obligation, then the nonperforming party must prove that the party took reasonable steps to minimize delay or damages caused by foreseeable events, that the party substantially fulfilled all non-excused obligations, and that the other party was timely notified of the likelihood or actual occurrence of an event described in Clause 11 (Force Majeure).
Cancellations made more than 28 days before the date of your consultation will be refunded in full.
Cancellations less than 48 hours before a scheduled consultation will be refunded 50% of the fee.
Rearrangement of date or time of consultations can be made by either party upon agreement.
This Child Protection Policy applies to all adults interacting with children as a result of an introduction through Their Best Years and sets out what we expect of our consultants.
Their Best Years acknowledges the fundamental duty of care it has to safeguard the welfare of children interacting with its consultants and is committed to complying with and exceeding the relevant statutory responsibilities, government guidance and best practice requirements.
This policy recognises that the welfare and interests of children are paramount in all circumstances. It aims to ensure that regardless of age, gender, religion or beliefs, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or socio-economic background, all children have a positive and enjoyable experience of Their Best Years.
Their Best Years acknowledges that some children, including disabled children and young people or those from ethnic minority communities, can be particularly vulnerable to abuse and we accept the responsibility to take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure their welfare.
We will conduct any background checks we consider necessary in order to ensure that all our staff are suitable to interact with children, to the fullest extent we are able to by law. References and identity checks may be sought for new employees, and we also recognise the importance of ongoing performance monitoring and risk assessments in safeguarding children. We will not allow anyone to work with children where it becomes apparent that it would be inappropriate to allow them to do so.
Our staff are prohibited from engaging in any inappropriate behaviour with the children they interact with on behalf of Their Best Years.
Examples of inappropriate behaviour include, but is in no way limited to, acts or omissions which are sexually suggestive, or otherwise result in sexually suggestive material being made available to a child; result in the child becoming aware of any societal or cultural issues which are beyond those which a child of the same age would usually be aware; result in a meeting with the child, or any sort of unjustifiable physical contact between another person and the child. Any inappropriate behaviour by our staff in breach of this policy will be treated extremely seriously and in accordance with the terms of the individual’s contract of engagement with us.
We take a strict approach to breaches of this policy, which will be dealt with in accordance with our contracts of engagement or employment with you, as applicable. Serious breaches of this policy may amount to gross misconduct for the purposes of any related disciplinary procedure.
This policy (including our approach to suitability checks) may be reviewed a year after development and then every three years, or in the following circumstances - changes in legislation and/or government guidance which are likely to have an impact on any of the terms of this policy or as a result of any other significant change or event.